Campaign Donors

We’re so grateful to all those who have already given to this monumental campaign. Your generosity will enable the men of our Rebound Campus to experience dignity, respect, and transformational hope. Below you will find a “Living Document” where all existing donors will be credited.

Anonymous (21X)

In Memory of John P. and Mabel Abernethy

Mr. Trey Ackerman

Mr. & Mrs. Joel Aelick

Mr. & Mrs. R. David Alexander

Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Alvarado

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Andaas

Ms. Judith Anderson

Ms Tiffany Apple

Mr. & Mrs. David Arant

Mr. & Mrs. Darren W. Ash

Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick T. Austin

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Ayers

Babbs Family

Mary Lou and Jim Babb

Ms. Barbara Baker

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Barber

Mr. Eddie Barbosa

Cindy and Bruce Barkley

Mr Matthew Barnette

Mrs. Kathleen O Barringer

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry B. Barton

Mr. & Mrs. William Bath

Pam and Danny Beam

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Beaty

Margaret and Smoky Bissell

Mr.  & Mrs. Craig M.  Black

Mr. & Mrs. William S. Blackmon

Mr. Ohrinico Blake

Mrs. Donna Blalock

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Blocker

Mr. Ryan Bloom

Mr. & Mrs. Ray Boardman

Ms. Karen Boffi

Mr. Wes Boone

Mr. Robby J. Bowers

Marilyn and Robert Bowler

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Bradford

Mr. & Mrs. Terrance L. Brady

Betsy & Alfred Brand

Mr. Brad Brantley

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Braswell

Mr. Christopher Breedlove

Mrs. Sharon Bremer

Mrs. Anna E. Brendle

Mrs. Elaine Brockman

Ms. Lauren Brooks

Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Brown

Ms. Michelle Buckley

Ms Susan  Buckley

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Buelow

Mrs. Wanda Burdine

Rick and Cathy Burger

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Burovac

Mr. Gary L. Bursey

Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Bynum, Jr.

Mr. Jason Campbell

Mr. Blair Capel

Ms. Stephanie E. Carouthers

Mr. & Mrs. Josh Carson

Mrs. Gayrie Case-Lorick

Ms. Candace Chambers

Mr. John Chidwick

Ken & Denise Chrisman

Mr. & Mrs. Adam T. Clark

Mr. & Mrs. Jake Clark, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Phil L. Cloninger

Mr. Jason Coble

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff D. Collins

Ms. Kourtney Conway

Mr. & Mrs. Marc Cooper

Mr. David Corley

Ms. Cindy Courtier

Ms. Cynthia F. Crook

Mr. David Crosson

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Crowder, Jr.

Ms. Linda F. Crump

Ms. Janet K. Dagenhart

Mrs. Megan Daniel

Mr. Jason Darwin

Mrs. Jennifer L. Davis

Mrs. Brenda Deese

Dr. Kandi Deitemeyer

Timothy Dennis

Mr Trinh DeSa

Mr. Rick L. DeSoto & Mrs. Vikki DeSoto

Mr & Mrs. Albert Diaz

Thomas DiVittorio

Dr. Kathleen A. Doman

Robert and Deborah Dorsey

Craig Dougherty

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. Dougherty

Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Doughty

Susan & Jim Doyle

Theodore Ted Drain, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Dudley

Mrs. Paige Duffy

Tom and Tina Dunn

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Dunnavant

Mr. & Mrs. Nick C. Dusenbury

Ernest H. and Vicky O. Dwight

Kathy and Terry Efird

Mr. & Mrs. Ric L. Elias

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ellis

Ms. Joan Erdogan

Mr. & Mrs. Steve S. Estep

Ms. Dorothy Evans

Mr. & Mrs. Mac Everett

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Fagan

Mr. & Mrs. Todd M. Farrell

Mrs. Mary Ferreira

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Ferrell

Mr. John Ferriola

Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Foard, Sr.

Dr. & Mrs. Fred  Fowler

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Freno

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Frias

Larry & Dee Fulton

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Galloway

Cindy and Harvey Gantt

Ms. Erika G. Gantt

Pamela and Scott Gantt

Mr. David W. Garrison

Tim and Jeanne Garrison

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gaskin

Mr. Judson Gee

Mr. Larry Geohagan

Mr. Constantine G. Gianakopoulos

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Giardi

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Gibson

Sonja Gantt Gibson and Mitch Gibson

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Gigler

Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Glassen

Mr. & Mrs. Jack I. Goldstein

Ms. Maxine Gordon

Mark and Kelly Gott

Mr. & Mrs. James D Gowan

Mr. Regenold Graham

Mr. Wayne Greenough

Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Greer

Mr. & Mrs. William C. Grubb

Mr. David Gruber

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Haigler

Mrs. Maxie Haire

Mr. & Mrs. John Haley

Chris Hannum

Mr. Javir Y. Harmon

Dr. & Mrs. David K. Harper

Mr. & Mrs. Martin  Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Harrison

Mr. & Mrs. Herb L. Harriss

A Loving Tribute for Mom and Dad

Mrs Tammy Harvell

Ms. Jayne A. Hassel

Mrs. Barbara B. Haycox

Mr. Greg Hebeisen

Mr. Bobby Henderson

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Herberg

Ms. April Hicks

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hill, Jr.

Ivan and Marcy Hinrichs

Land and Laura Anne Hite

Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Hoffman

Mr. & Mrs. Cory Hohnbaum

Mrs. Marsha F. Holbrook

Corey and Angela Holliday

Ms. Lee T. Howie

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hudson

Ms. Katherine J. Hughes

Dr. Troy A. Hunt

Mrs. Denean Jackson

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jarrett

Mr. & Mrs. Doug Jellison

Ms. Brittany M. Jenkins

Mr. & Mrs. Darwin R. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Ted Johnson

Mrs. Angela Johnston

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jones

Mr. & Mrs. Kal Kardous

Michael and Faith Karhan

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Kearney

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Keffer

Mr. Cody Keith

Mr. Graeme Keith III

Leigh Kendall

Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Keough

Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Keretsis

Ms. Toula H. Keretsis

Mrs. Laura Key

John and Chrissy Kincheloe

Jack and Kathy King

Mr. Jason Kipp

Mr. & Mrs. David Kliefoth

Mr. Anthony Knowles

Mr. Dan Krug

Mrs. & Mrs. Linda Kuhn

Peter and Kelli Lash

Mr. Michael D. Lawson

Mr. Steve Laxton

Mrs. Katie Leaf

Mr. & Mrs. David Levett

Howard R. Levine Foundation- Howard and Julie Levine

Mr. & Mrs. Jon Levy

Mr. Kevin Lewis

Ms. Marie N. Lilly

Jon & Julie  Limmer

Mr. John R. Linker

Dee Dee and Terry Lisenby

James & Lea Love

Dr. Stephen Lynip

Ms. Betsy Lytle

Doug Macomb

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marciano II

Ms. Lucille Marciano

Mr. & Mrs. Harrison L. Marshall, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Martella

Ms. Catherine  Martin

Jenny Massad

Mr. And Mrs. Joseph Matesich

Ms. Kristi McCall

Ms. Patricia McCarron

Hugh and Jane McColl

Ms. Trina Y. Archie McCorkle

Elayne P. McCormack

Mr. James P. McCormack

Mr. & Mrs. G. Whitfield McDowell

Patrick McElgunn and Karen Scully

Kami McGuire

Mr. Brett McGuire

Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. McIlnay

Rev. Melvin D. & Anita J. McIntosh

Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. McLaughlin, Jr.

Michael and Kathleen McLendon

Mr. & Mrs. Marc G. McManeus

Mr. Robert McMillan

Mrs. Shirley Meeks

Ms. Michelina S. Meola

Ms.  Judy Meredith

Ms. Jean Merritt

Mr. Kirk Messick

Faith Mitchell

Steve Moeller

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Moore

Mr. & Mrs. Marty Moore

Ms. Jennifer Moore

Sandra and Luther Moore

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Natwick

Mr. Ron Nazier

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Neal

Ms.  Katie  Niell

Mr. & Mrs. Jon K. Ochsner

Ms. Debbie O’Connor

The Oliver Private Wealth Management Group

Mr. & Mrs. David S. Osterhus

Ms. Jessica Otto

Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Overman

Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Owings

Mr. John Palko

Mr. Stephen Parker

Chris and Melissa Parrish

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Partridge

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Patton

Ms. Penelope Paugh

Mr. & Mrs. Scott B. Perper

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfeiffer

Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Phalen

Rev. Anthony and Susan Pizzuti

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Poole

Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Portis

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Preble

Mr. & Mrs. Ed Price

Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Price

Mr. and Mrs. George E. Quinn

Mrs. Sharon Raines

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ramich

Mr. & Mrs. Norm V. Randall

Mr & Mrs Robby Ray

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Reasons

David Reddington

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Reichard

Mr. & Mrs. James N. Reichard

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Reichard

Ms. Rebecca S. Rembert

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Reschly

Miss Jessica Reynolds

Mrs. Vera Richards

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Rixham

Mr. & Mrs. Russell M. Robinson II

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne F. Robinson

Ms. Leigh Robinson

Mr. H. Allen Roes

Mr. & Mrs. D. Edwin Rose

Mr. & Mrs. George G. Rose

Keith Rudd

Elizabeth Anne and Drew Russell

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Russell

Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Salamone

Ken and Betsy Samuelson

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Sandy

Mr. Dennis Scearce & Mrs. Barbara Greiss

Mr. Scott Schauffele

Mr.  & Mrs. John M. Schellpfeffer

The Schmidly Family

Mrs. Linda Schrager

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Scott

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Scotto

Mr. Lou Sellman

Kurt and Anje Seufert

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Shaffer

Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Shannon

Ms. Sally E. Shannon

Ms. Ruth Shaw

Mr. George Shinn

Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Short

Mr. & Mrs. Jon E. Shumate

Curt and Jennifer Sidden

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Silver

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Skains

Mildred Skelly

Mr. Jay Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Brent Sparks

Mr. & Mrs. James Spence

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Spitzhoff, Jr.

Mary and Bill Staton

Mrs. Linda H. Staton

Mr. & Mrs. Marc G. Stevens

Mr. & Mrs. Arkon Stewart

Mr. & Mrs. James I. Stewart

Bonne and Dave Stukey

Mr. Charles Hudson & Mrs. Lena Suarez

Ashley Sullivan

Mr. & Mrs. Ed and Kathy Sullivan

Alison and Will Summerville

Mr. Phil Tappy

Anna and Jochen Tartak

Ann and Michael Tarwater

  1. N. and Shelly Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Hans J. Teich

Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Thomas

Mr. & Mrs. Lamar Thomas

Mrs. Freida Thomas

Mr. Jim Thompson

John and Kristie Tighe

PhD Kara Tiller

Todd & Kelly Timmerman

Ms. Betty J. Toote

Mr. & Mrs. Leon Topalian

Tom and Kathy Tousignant

Mr. & Mrs. Bill L. Trahan

Mr. Chris Trunck

Mr. & Mrs. Rich G. Tucker, Jr.

Mrs. E.J. Underwood

Craig and Gail VanDerVeer

Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Vanderwalt

Miss Lisa G. VanDivort

Mr. & Mrs. Clifton B. Vann III

Judy and Richard Vinroot

Mr. & Mrs. Hannibal G. Warren, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Watt

Mrs. Claire Weaver

Mr. Andrew Weiderman

Mr. & Mrs. Ed I. Weisiger, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Westmoreland

Mr. Craig Whatley

Mrs. Aana Lisa J. Whatley

Mr. S. Wayne Whiteside

Mr. William W. Whitlow

Ms. Beverly A. Whitlow

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Dustin T. Williams

Ms. Carol W. Wilson

Stick & Teresa Williams

Mrs. Angela Williamson

Jerry & Harolyn Williford

Mr. & Mrs. Mac Winget

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Winget

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Withers

Mrs. Jessica Wood

Mr. Shiping Yang

The Yepko Family

Mr. Joe Zgrabik

Mr. Brian Zito

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Zook